Saturday 3 November 2007

Jaguar Band Annual Awards

The Daresbury Hotel in Warrington was the venue for this year's Annual Awards. Under traditional fashion the band was entertained with the presentation of numerous 'not so serious' awards for achievements throughout the year. Some highlights included Trombone virtuoso Julian (Wycliffe) Smith with outstanding Jazz breaks through out the meal, Kevin Mackie with his stand up routine and Martin Barnet singing with his tuba.

Musical Director Dave Lea announced this year's winner of the 'Bandsman of the Year Award' to go to Hayden Fews with special mentions for the contributions from Mick Wild, Julian Smith and and collectively the new band members. The 'Players Player Award' chosen by the band members this year was presented to Trombonist Kevin Lea.

The following day saw the band play compete in Pontins Prestatyn. Although on this occasion the band did not make the prizes we are delighted that 12-year-old cornet player Kaitlin Wild was presented with the Youngest Player Award.

Here you see Dave Lea (Musical Director), Hayden Fews, Mick Blacker (Band Chairman), Kevin Lea and Kaitlin Wild with thier awards.